Juli 02, 2023 3 min lesen.

In our relentless pursuit of higher emotions, we often overlook the one feeling that has historically elevated humanity the most: Gratitude.  Regardless of our upbringing or life experiences, gratitude holds the key to unlocking a profound sense of fulfillment and contentment. Reflecting on the teachings of a great master from 1,500 years ago, we are reminded that the next age will be marked by ingratitude. In a world where gratitude is scarce, it is crucial to explore its impact on our lives and the transformative power it holds.

Impact of Better States of "Being":
Gratitude is not merely a feel-good sentiment but a powerful and uplifting state of mind. Many influential and successful individuals consistently practice gratitude, and the science behind it has been widely studied, published, and embraced. The undeniable results of practicing gratitude are far-reaching. Conversely, the absence of gratitude can lead to poor decision-making. When we are in a "lower state," focusing on what is lacking, our energy follows suit. A study by Harvard Business Review has shown that such lower states poison choices made and actions taken.

Opportunity to Lift Ourselves Up:

If there is one valuable lesson the world's recent turmoil has taught us, it is to cherish every moment. By cultivating gratitude, we can distance ourselves from anger, fear, and other negative emotions that cloud our judgment and weigh us down. The simple act of focusing on what we are grateful for provides our minds with the space to flourish and be fueled by positive, inspiring energy. This infectious energy ripples into our lives, inspiring goodwill, promoting positive action, and attracting favorable circumstances.

Negative Energy is all around us:

In a world inundated with negativity, where messages and information breed comparison, competition, and superiority, gratitude serves as the antidote. We are bombarded from all sides, and these thoughts and feelings are reinforced by stress and societal pressure. Gratitude becomes our refuge, guiding us towards a path of contentment and peace.  As Sri Ammabhagavan wisely stated,

"A spiritual person is a happy person, and a happy person creates a happy world around him."

How to Make Your Brain More Grateful:
Contrary to what one might think, making our brains more grateful is a straightforward process: we choose gratitude. Recognizing that gratitude enhances our lives and attracts like-minded individuals makes this choice effortless. Starting each day by jotting down five things we are grateful for allows us to cultivate this transformative practice. It can be as simple as savoring the sound of our child's laughter, witnessing our dog's wagging tail, or relishing the feeling of the sun on our skin. The Five-Minute Journal is an excellent resource to initiate this focus. 

Join the Movement:

At Aryaa Organic, our mission is to assist you in discovering, accompanying, and expanding on your journey towards wellness and a healthy, vibrant life. We extend an invitation for you to join us in this transformative movement, seeking to elevate humanity through the cultivation of gratitude and other beautiful emotions. Remember the words of Oprah Winfrey:

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."

Gratitude holds the power to elevate humanity, especially in an age plagued by ingratitude. By practicing gratitude, we tap into a profound sense of fulfillment and create a positive ripple effect in our lives and the world around us. In a world filled with negative energy, gratitude becomes our guiding light, allowing us to rise above comparison and competition.


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